
Olivet Staff

Pastor Judah Spry

Title: Senior Pastor
Phone: (519) 538-2020

Judah recently came to serve as Senior Pastor at Olivet from Muskoka Bible Centre, where he worked on the maintenance team for the past 12 years. He started as a student worker and gradually worked his way up to managing the department. Often, he could be found operating an excavator, cutting down trees, and responding to emergency calls day and night. In addition to his day-to-day work on the maintenance team, he has seized every opportunity to preach and share from the Bible since he was a teenager. These opportunities have taken him from the staff chapels and student ministries of MBC to local churches all around Ontario. His passion is simply to preach the Word of God and walk alongside others as they discover and grow in Christ. In response to God's call into full-time ministry, Judah and his family are excited to join the community of Meaford and the church family at Olivet.

Heather Morrison

Title: Bookkeeper
Heather maintains the financial books! She endevours to provide current information to the Pastors and Board of Deacon's. Heather also heads up our church ministry project Operation Christmas Child. She and her husband Andy attend Olivet and enjoy grandparenting!

Sandra Mullin

Title: Administration
Phone: (519) 538-2020
Sandra has been attending Olivet for over 30 years! There isn't much that goes on that Sandra doesn't know! She has a great sense of humour, a love for all types of music, and is a whiz typist, The church would be lost without her. Sandra is also a long time member of the Missions Committee and has a heart to reach the lost.
Check out the Missions tab to see the work that God is doing in reaching the lost.


Moderator - Bryan Gelyk
Vice Moderator - Malcolm Postings
Pastor - Judah Spry

The Elders meet informally as needed and formally on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 a.m.

Email: bryan@olivet.online

Lois Postings

Title: Custodian
Lois has a ministry of service at Olivet. She regularly goes above and beyond to make the building beautiful. Any additional needs? Please leave a message with Sandra in the office, and she will pass it on.
E-mail: info@olivet.online